General Medicine 4.0

At the University of Lübeck there has been a chair for Family medicine for five years. The achievements and the future tasks in this area were the subject of a round-table discussion on August 26 at the university. Prof. Jost Steinhäuser gave an overview of his area of expertise under the title "Family Medicine 4.0 - The Relevance of Academic Family Medicine for the Future Close to Home Primary Care".

The event was welcomed by the praesidium of the University Prof. Dr. Christopher Baum, Vice President Medicine. Word contributions came from Dr. Niels Bunzen, Foundation Director of the Damp Foundation, and Prof. Dr. med. Jost Steinhäuser, Institute of Family Medicine, University of Lübeck.
Prof. Dr. Jost Steinhäuser reported: "One of the key research areas for the population in the context of the professorship is the care by General Practitioners. In the related area of postgraduate training research in family medicine, our institute is one of the leading centers in Germany. The institute's staff also work on research related to digitally-assisted medical care at COPICOH, the University's Center for Open Innovation in Connected Health. In the field of undergraduate teaching in human medicine, the lecturers of the institute are among the most well-evaluated teachers of the Campus. These are the best prerequisites for giving students a sence of the pleasure of working as a family physician. "
Representatives of the Medical Association, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and the General Practitioners' Association Schleswig-Holstein as well as project partners participated in the joint discussion of the round-table event.
More information can be found here.
