COPICOH is a research center

Connected Health has the potential to revolutionize healthcare. At its core, COPICOH is a research center fostering the development of innovative healthcare solutions within third-party funded projects with multidisciplinary teams addressing technological, economic, social, legal, ethical and political issues.

Our understanding of Connected Health comprises bridging large distances between stakeholders as well as the synergetic integration of people and technology in smart interactive health environments.

Our research subjects include health services research in terms of telemedicine for rural areas, as well as conceptual design for chief physician practices, human-centered web and data science to optimize care structures and processes, development and evaluation of telerehabilitation and teleprevention programmes, and human-centered development of useful and usable interfaces and infrastructure for ambient systems.

COPICOH fosters the development of holistic approaches based on quality management methods and comprehensive evaluation considering morbidity and mortality data.

The research projects in COPICOH are organized and conducted in interdisciplinary Joint Labs.